Leonard & Penny: From Neighbors To Lovebugs.

Welcome to Leonard & Penny Lovebugs. This is a fan site for the best couple on The Big Bang Theory, Leonard and Penny. Here you can see upcoming episode descriptions, get pictures of the couple, watch videos and so much more! This is a place for all Leonard and Penny fans to go back on all their amazing moments. Everyone can contribute to the content and every once in a while here will be polls and surveys over favorite moments, lines, episodes, kisses, ect. Don't be shy to email if you would like to add pictures, videos, episode information, or anything else!


CBS Description for Next New Big Bang Theory.

4.14 -  The  Thespian Catalyst
Airs: February 3, 2011

Sheldon hopes acting lessons from Penny will help him become a better teacher. Meanwhile, Koothrappali fantasizes about his best friend's girlfriend.

Official CBS Episode Description.

4.14 -  The  Thespian Catalyst
Airs: February 3, 2011

Sheldon hopes acting lessons from Penny will help him become a better teacher. Meanwhile, Koothrappali fantasizes about his best friend's girlfriend.

4.13 The Love Car Displacement Reaction Round Table

Fan reactions to The Love Car Displacement! To discuss further join us at the Big Bang Theory Fan Forum!

What was your favorite line?
Jen: "Please don't touch my breasts!" "I wasn't going to." "I just think we should set some boundaries." I love Amy!
Emily: Leonard screaming "No" after Bernadette introduced Penny to Glen. Johnny did that perfectly.
Nicole: "Howard is a complete total ass, Bernadette's in Penny's bed, Amy bites, and Penny may be having coitus with Leonard."
Roxanne: Probably Leonard's "NOOOO!" at the panel.
SargeantFuzzyBoots:Leonard: I've gotten a lot more street since we broke up. Amy: Hi, bestie! Amy: I missed you. Penny: You know what? I missed you, too. Bernadette: Penny, that's Glenn. Glenn, this is Penny. Leonard: NOOOO!
Amandapanda222: It wasn't really a line. I almost cried with laughter at Leonard's panicked reaction to Penny leaving with Glen. The way Johnny shouted "no" like that just made me burst out laughing.

What was your favorite scene?
Jen: Leonard and Penny's talk while they're in bed and then the KISS!
Emily: Easily when LP were alone in the hotel room talking and then started kissing - before Raj ruined it.
Nicole: Um...the panal, or the first car scenes.
Roxanne: I'm torn between the panel, because it was freaking hilarious and everyone got a chance to shine, and Leonard and Penny's conversation, because that was way overdue.
SargeantFuzzyBoots: That's hard. They were all so awesome and most were really short and connected with each other, but....probably the LP scene.
Amandapanda222: The conference was possibly the best scene of the season. I loved the banter between all the characters and how all the storylines came together in that instant.

What did you think of all the LP scenes?
Jen: I loved them. I'm glad they had an actual talk about what happened, no matter how short it was. And then to see that they both still can't resist each other was amazing!
Emily: Absolutely loved them. Although, it makes me sad for Leonard and Penny that Penny can't admit her feelings and that Leonard doesn't know how much she actually cares about him.
Nicole: I loved them-they had an honest to God talk! My love for those two is strong as ever.
Roxanne: LOVED them!! I'm so glad that they finally had a real, serious, talk about things. It wasn't long, but at least it was addressed. And then the kiss is just further evidence that Penny's still not over Leonard. :)
SargeantFuzzyBoots: Uh, they were awesome. Can't put it any other way.
Amandapanda222: I loved them. It almost makes up for the shippers being deprived of L/P happiness for so long.

Anything else you want to say about the episode?
Jen: Although I know Amy is the least favorite character on the show, I personally love her. I think the friendship she is trying to have with Penny is great. It's very similar to the friendship that Leonard and Sheldon have. It's also nice to see Penny interacting with girls. Although I love her and the guys, she needs to have girl talk.
Emily: This was easily not only the best episode of the season for me - but also one of the best episodes of the series. I loved it.
Roxanne: Just that it was easily one of my favorites this season. And I would quote more favorite lines, but it'd be nearly the whole episode.
SargeantFuzzyBoots: Other than the fact that this episode was awesome? Not really. ;)
Amandapanda222: Honestly, I'm extremely glad Raj broke up L/P making out. We know they have the physical stuff down and I would have rather seen them having a longer conversation about the stuff that went wrong in their relationship. At this point, I feel like L/P jumping back into a relationship would be bad and I'm glad the writers acknowledged that, too. I just hope we get to see some of the fallout that comes from them almost hooking up and that the storyline doesn't just get ignored for another few episodes.

4.11 The Justice League Recombination Reaction Round Table

Here a few Leonard/Penny and/or TBBT fans will put our reactions to the episode. What we liked and didn't like. To discuss with everyone please visit Fanforum [The Big Bang Theory].

What was your favorite quote of the night?
Jen: It was a three way tie tonight! "That's what I love about science. there's no one right answer." "Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Cause you might have been watching Nickelodeon." and of course "You make a cute green arrow."
SargeantFuzzyBoots: "Was the starfish wearing shorts, because you could have been watching Nickelodeon." "You make a cute Green Arrow." "Well, actually, there is a difference. I mean: arrow. Lantern."
Emily:  I have 2 - 1) "You make a cute green arrow" and 2) "Come on, just let me talk to you" - something about the way Leonard said that was almost like they were still a couple.
Roxanne: Leonard: Sheldon, you look like a praying mantis. Sheldon: That was very hurtful. Sheldon: Zack, how would you like to be Superman? Zack: I dunno, sounds like a lot of responsibility. Penny: Look, if Zack and I had just gone to a regular club or a party it would have been fine, but this, with the costumes, and you - Leonard: What about me? Penny: Nothing. Let’s go to the party.
Nicole:  Penny: You make a cute Green Arrow.  Howard: The good news is we have a Wonder Woman. The bad news is I don’t think Superman’s getting laid tonight.
Amandapanda222: Zack: Did you know if you kill a starfish it comes back to life? Sheldon: Are you sure the starfish wasn't wearing boxer shorts because you might have been watching Nickelodeon. Sheldon: Amy Farrah Fowler doesn't believe in costumes. She's not the free spirit I am.  Zack: Penny, there's no I in Justice League.
Sheldon's Flash knock

What was your favorite scene of the episode?
Jen: No shocker here. Probably the same as everyone elses. When Leonard went to talk to Penny. It was so sweet and broke my heart all at once.
SargeantFuzzyBoots: The LP scene.
Emily: Def the LP scene in her apartment because we have had such a lack of LP interaction in season 4. It reminded me of the scene from the season 2 Christmas episode where you know the feelings are there, but neither one of them are acting on them.
Roxanne: Leonard and Penny's talk in her apartment. <3
Nicole: Hilarity-wise, it was the one where the guys were making fun of Zack-from the time he shows up to the time that he offers Penny a Milk Dud. Otherwise, it was the Leonard and Penny scene.
Amandapanda222: Either the costume party and Sheldon's "speech" or them trying to convince Penny to go (specifically Sheldon's reassuring her that Wonder Woman was beefy)

What was your favorite costume?

Jen:  Leonard looked cute, but my favorites were Penny and of course Raj. The seahorse was amazing!
SargeantFuzzyBoots: Green Lantern.
Emily: Hands down - Raj as Aqua Man - hysterical.
Roxanne: Either Raj as Aquaman or Leonard as Green Lantern.
Nicole: I’m going to have to go with Leonard as Green Lantern.
Amandapanda222: Aquaman. The pony thing made it perfect.

What do you think about Zack?

Jen: So I absolutely LOVE Zack, but not as Penny's boyfriend. I think he would be out with the guys from time to time. They can finally have a 'cool' guy friend who doesn't actually judge them. Instead joins in with them and loves it. I hope they have him back a few more times.
SargeantFuzzyBoots: He's pretty awesome just because of how intellectually challenged he is.
Emily: The character is really funny in small doses. I think too much of him (as in the same amount they are using Amy and Bernadette) would not be as funny.
Roxanne: He's freaking hilarious! I loved him in The Lunar Excitation, and I'm so glad that we got to see him again!
Nicole: I love him. He’s hilarious and stupid, and he’s not a threat to Leonard at all so I have no problem with him dating Penny. True, it’s not serious, but it never can be, so I don’t mind at all! And I love how he calls the guys his friends.
Amandapanda222: I really like him. He's the lovable oaf. I feel like a little bit of him goes a long way and I was really glad they included the scene with Leonard and Penny talking about why she was with Zack because it didn't make sense otherwise.

What do you think Penny was going to tell Leonard?
Jen: That scene broke my heart almost as much as later on when Penny and Zack kiss at midnight and Leonard looks broken and even so did Penny. But I think Penny was very close to saying that she was in love with Leonard. You can see it in her eyes. She wants to say it but she's scared to.
SargeantFuzzyBoots: I'm not sure what Penny was going to tell Leonard. Obviously, she still has feelings for him, and whether or not they've grown even stronger is sort of ambiguous. I'd definitely say she's closer to realizing that she loves him, though.
Emily: I think she doesn't know what to tell him. She has feelings but doesn't know how to say it and probably feels guilty for the way things ended between them.
Roxanne: I don't think I had any expectations... I was just on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next.
Nicole: I think Penny was going to stop right there anyway-I don’t think she was going to admit anything big, but she seemed surprised when he said “what about me?”
like she didn’t realize she’d said that much, so she might have finished by saying that it’s hard for her sometimes, too.
Amandapanda222: Probably that the costume party seemed like something she would have done as Leonard's girlfriend and it made her miss him. In a perfect shipper world, that's what it would have been anyway.

What did you think about the last 45-seconds of the episode?

Jen: Sheldon running as the flash was AMAZING and HILARIOUS! Bil Prady was right, it was EPIC!
SargeantFuzzyBoots: The last 45 seconds were pretty hilarious. Getting inside Sheldon's head is always fun. I love how his ideal place to rant his frustrations in is the Grand Canyon.
Emily: Was that the Sheldon thing? It was ok, funny, but seemed a little out of place.
Roxanne: Loved it! Wasn't expecting it at all, and it was a great callback to Sheldon's earlier line.
Nicole: I missed that the first time! Holy crap! Okay now that I saw it I will say VERY predictable.
Amandapanda222: It was the perfect visual representation of what I think Sheldon's inner monologue is like on a daily basis.

This is an UNOFFICIAL fan site. No affiliation to CBS, The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco, or Johnny Galecki.